I have.....
1. Paint Horse named Mickey Blue Eyes, he was born April 1st, 2011 and is white and black with ice blue eyes.
2. Purple Pied Peafowl
Males are called Peacocks/Females are called Peahens
I am own a male! They are really neat birds to have and are allowed in residential communities because they are not considering a farm bird but exotic.
3. Three Rabbits- Two blues, One blue is a rex named Xavier the other is an angora still need to name her thinking to keep her name Thing 1. One black dwarf mix named Mystic.
4. One Ferret- His name is Dr. Pepper he is really cute, stinky and funny. He lives outside because he really has a strong musky odor, but he likes it outside, I also let him out of his cage and he wanders around and tunnels through the leaves :)
5. One black cat with a white heart on her fat belly. Her name is Binx, she is my special kitty because she is not like most cats and her and I have a very close bond! She hates dogs so I am hoping that when I get a dog there will be a way to see the light and love her furry companion.
Trying to be stealth LOL
Sleeping under the covers with her cat nip pillow ahahah so adorable!
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